Love in the Pub

It took two exes to bring this week’s couple together.

It took two exes to bring this week’s couple together.

Lindy and Angus were only supposed to be at the pub as moral support for their respective friends, who were reconnecting years after breaking up. Neither was looking to meet someone new, but fate had other plans.

The Aussie duo got to know each other a little better during subsequent visits to the pub in the weeks to come, and soon they were getting ready for their first date.

15 years later, the happily married couple are still happy their friends broke up. Here’s their story. 

How’d you two meet? 

Angus: We met at the pub through mutual friends. 

Lindy: I was working in an office, and there was another office opposite mine. One of the girls that worked over there had been told that a former boyfriend of hers from many, many years ago had come back to Australia.

One of her friends wanted her to go to this pub to meet up with this old boyfriend of hers. She asked me to come along really just as a bit of backup because she was nervous. He brought a couple of friends as well, just to make it a bit more comfortable, and Angus happened to be one of those friends. 

What were your first impressions of each other? 

Angus: I thought Lindy was a very nice person, very lovely to talk to. Very attractive. You can meet certain people and know that you like them. Straight away with Lindy I thought it was a real possibility. 

Lindy: The second I met him there was something about him. I have never felt like that ever before. It was an instant sort of feeling of Wow, this guy is pretty nice. We didn’t talk a lot the first night, he seemed quite shy and I was a bit nervous because I didn’t know anyone besides the girl I went with. But it was a really good night. I went home thinking Oh, I wish I’d talked to him a bit more. I really regretted that when I got home. 

Fortunately, the group organized a second catch up in another two weeks. I made more of an effort to talk to him. And then there was another meetup and he made quite an effort to talk to me.

The fourth time we went to the pub it ended up being only a few people, and it ended up being just the two of us after a short while. We just sat there and talked and talked and talked. I just thought This guy is so good! I felt so comfortable with him, I just felt like we really clicked. 

What drew you to each other? 

Angus: It was just the ease of conversation. I had actually come out of a relationship that didn’t work that well, and so that kind of left me a little bit wary, I guess. We sat there talking and had a good conversation and I thought We should keep on seeing each other

Lindy: I felt like it was so easy to talk to him. We had a lot of common interests. He told me he loves cats, so that was a big plus. He just had a presence about him and I really was just very drawn to him. He seemed like a really kind and caring person. 

I felt very comfortable with him. And I can’t say I had felt like that with someone for a very, very long time, because I was actually going through a divorce when we met. I had been on my own for two years and I didn’t really enjoy going out that much. I’ve got two boys as well, so I just preferred to be home. I think I met him at the right time. 

What happened next? 

Angus: I was actually very busy, so I said “I will call you in two weeks,” and Lindy thought that was not going to happen. But I did, and things just went from there.

Lindy: I felt that we had such a connection that night just sitting talking at the bar. He says I didn’t think he would ring, but I really did think in my gut that I would hear from him again. I went home and thought I’m not going to overthink this, I’m just going to go on with my life and if he rings, he rings, it’ll be great. And if not, it’s not meant to be. And two weeks later, he phoned. 

What did you do for your first date? 

Angus: We went to the movies. We went to see Public Enemy. It was a good night.

How did things grow from there? 

Lindy: We saw each other once or twice a week. He definitely had a bit of a wall up initially. I know he had been very hurt in the past. He sort of said a few times that he really liked hanging out with me but wasn’t ready for a relationship. I felt disappointed but I thought it was fine and I had to respect it. I was happy to sort of continue going out as friends. We used to go out for drinks and for movies. It went along like that for a few months, actually. It was more of a friendship. 

But then he had a trip planned a few months after we began seeing each other. It was like a three week Outback holiday with some of his friends. It was just after Christmas that he was heading off. And I thought This’ll be a bit of a test. He’ll either come back and want to see me or I might not hear from him again. Because I still was feeling that he may not really want a relationship like he was saying. But the day he got back he phoned me. And the next day we met for a lovely lunch and we’ve been together ever since. I’m very lucky. 

Angus: She had a real kindness about her. And I’ve seen it in her interactions with other people as well. I’ve definitely made the right decision in marrying Lindy. 

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📊Last Week We Asked…

  • Have you ever reached out to a stranger on social media after meeting in person?

    • 42% said “Of course, that’s what DMs are for”

    • 42% said “No, but I would if I met the right person”

    • 16% said “No, that’s too forward for me”

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Interviewed and transcribed by Nicolas Vega. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.